Money Basics
- Learning and Adopting Healthy Money Habits
- Learning the Importance of Saving, Proper Budgeting, Consumer Savvy, Opportunity/Cost, Understanding Debt, Talking About Money
- First Job and Utilizing Employer Benefits
- Establishing Savings
Wealth Accumulation
and Beyond
First Financial
A Well-
Planned Life
Age, investment horizon, and risk tolerance are just a few factors we consider when making important financial recommendations, but it doesn’t stop there. Considerations are also made around your core values, health and longevity, desired future lifestyle, and tax reduction opportunities, amongst a wide array of other factors.
It is only appropriate to recommend an investment by first obtaining all pertinent investor information. To that end, we will be thorough in our conversations together and our development of a comprehensive financial plan that will assist us in making recommendations most suitable for you.
The science of the relationship between diversification and asset allocation within portfolios became widely acclaimed when the author of "Modern Portfolio Theory", Harry Markowitz, won the Nobel Prize in Finance in 1990.
We believe that diversification and asset allocation are key to projectable and dependable investing in the market. They do not protect against market risk, and there is no guarantee that such a portfolio will enhance overall returns or outperform a non-diversified portfolio. However, it is one of the best ways to reduce the volatility of your portfolio and helps us to make reasonable projections around rates of returns, which is key to making decisions in regard to your long-term goals.
As financial planners who understand the entirety of your situation, we rely on third-party money managers who have been carefully selected to handle the specific investments within your portfolio. We serve as the filter and selector, determining the best manager and strategy, and providing ongoing monitoring of these specialists' performance.
Financial plans should be updated regularly. Whether this is annually or every 3 – 5 years is determined by your unique situation and the changes occurring in your life. However, all situations require regular, at least annual review to ensure plans remain current.
Laws and regulations change. The financial industry changes. The investment landscape changes. For these reasons, we encourage you to do a Deep Dive into your plans with us once a year to ensure the plan we’ve put in place is still aligned with your long-term goals.